Pallet Noir
Pallet Wine Co. has not just made award winning wines, but has been part of an award winning film as well. Might I suggest you head on down to the The Urban Cork and City Center Wine District to explore your own kind of ‘noir.’ Walter Haussner’s favorite Pallet wine is the 2019 Donovan Chenin Blanc.

How To Make Your Own Private Label Wine
Making your own wine isn't easy, but it doesn't need to be a distant dream either. With a bit of knowledge and the right winery partner, you can bring your wine brand dreams to life! With Pallet Wine Company, we can help make your custom label wine ideas a reality!

Oregon Wine Press: “Dames of the Rogue”
When Linda Donovan opened the Rogue Valley’s first custom crush facility Pallet Wine Company in 2009, she says, “The timing was right, our wine industry was growing and I wanted to offer smaller growers a place to call home. It has been a lot of work– but my team and I love the challenges.”

The Gates of City Center Wine District
Have you ever imagined walking through a high iron gate, along a winding path, through a lush garden, into a marble palace with fountains of wine?

A Wine Club for all Wine Lovers
The sign behind the bar in The Urban Cork’s tasting room says,
“Wine is just juice with more life experience.”
This also seems an apt expression for The Urban Cork Wine Club, because first it’s the grape’s juice in the bottle, at the wine club party it’s opened, you taste, and voilà, life experience.

The Urban Cork: A Fountain of Wines
Just beyond the gorgeous hand painted winescape on Fir St, between 3rd and 4th in downtown Medford, is Medford’s only downtown wine bar. Part of the newly designated City Center Wine District, this urbanly informal wine oasis pours more than 150+ local wines. More than just a wine bar, The Urban Cork is the tasting room for all Pallet Wine Company’s artisanal and naturally crafted wines. Some wines are only available here!

Welcome to The City Center Wine District Blog
Introducing City Center Wine District!
Welcome to the premiere of The City Center Wine District blog - the new spot at your fingertips to discover what’s going on at Pallet Wine Company, The Urban Cork, and the new District Wine Bar (opening Summer 2022). In this blog we’ll be talking about the past, present, and future of not only the first winery and wine bar in downtown Medford, but also the first custom crush facility in southern Oregon.

Cheers to Local Women In Wine
The happy hour began with a tasting of local women-made wines. The night slipped easily into conversation, laughter and camaraderie, accompanied by light rain, and delicate gold-trimmed porcelain plates ready to be filled with charcuterie, cheese, fruits and nuts beautifully offered.